The Galería Elba Benítez is pleased to present El Ultimo Grito’s last exhibition at the gallery, that opened on Saturday, April 13th.
Titled Visitants, the exhibition presented a ‘prequel’ to El Ultimo Grito’s recent exhibition Earth: A Retrospective at Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, which took as its conceptual point of departure the idea of viewing the present-day Earth from an uncertain future vantage point. Visitants consisted of works in various media —film, video, objects and installations— that, while fully autonomous as individual art works, as a group are intertwined conceptually, coming together into a kind of spatially cinematic experience.
Within this conceptual framework, Visitants casts a wide net of literary and cinematic references —to the writings of Samuel Beckett, Flann O’Brien, the Strugatsky Brothers, as well as to films and film theory such as Chris Marker (in particular his time-travel masterpiece La Jetée) and the montage theories of Lev Kuleshov and Sergei Eisenstein. These references, however are more implicit than explicit, embedded within while also embodied by the individual works and the overall experience that, taken together, comprise Visitants.
Video tour through the exhibition | * Text reduced from the original